Ultrasonic technology

Arad has harnessed highly precise and stable ultrasonic measurement technology to develop two innovative yet cost-effective ultrasonic water meters – Octave for bulk measurement and Sonata for residences.

The world’s water resources are not infinite. They are also threatened by the vagaries of climate change, from extended droughts to unprecedented flooding. With water consumption on the rise, it is the responsibility of utilities and water corporations around the globe to steward their clean water sources carefully.

Precise ultrasonic water meters like Octave and Sonata are critical to smart water management, and an essential tool in reducing losses from nonrevenue water.

octave ultrasonic water metering
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How Ultrasonic measurement works?

Imagine two equally strong swimmers crossing a river on the same diagonal line, one with the flow and the other against the flow. The swimmer moving with the flow needs much less time to reach the opposite bank.

Ultrasonic waves behave the same way. Two sensors (A and B) send ultrasonic pulses back and forth between two opposite points in the meter. In one direction, from A to B, the measurement is with the flow of the water. In the other direction, from B to A, the measurement is against the flow.

The transit time (t) between Sensor A and B (tAB) (with the flow) and between Sensor B and A (tBA) (against the flow) are measured continuously. For every 100 measurements, the total of the tAB measurements is subtracted from the total of the tBA measurements. The result is a highly accurate average of the flow velocity (mean flow velocity, or Vm):

100tBA – 100tAB = Vm

Once the average flow velocity is known, it is one more easy step to calculate the flow rate of the water moving through the meter: the Vm is multiplied by the area of the cross-section of the water meter chamber.

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