Arad has harnessed highly precise and stable ultrasonic measurement technology to develop two innovative yet cost-effective ultrasonic water meters – Octave for bulk measurement and Sonata for residences.
Arad delivers advanced real-time Automatic Meter Reading and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMR/AMI) systems as part of a full-featured meter data management platform.
We offer tailor made, fully implemented, comprehensive remote meter-reading solutions for fixed, drive by, walk by and remote site base systems, allowing utilities and water corporations to automatically collect data and control remote water meters in real time.
Featured Products

K Dose-O-Mat Automatic Metering Valve
Volume based irrigation device. Water meter, volume control dial and a double chamber valve combined.

P – Positive Displacement Water Meter
ARAD Model P is a positive displacement water meter, rotating piston type.

SF – Polymeric Fertilizer Meter
The SF is a fertilizer & chemical solutions meter with electrical output and a totalizing register.

Gladiator EU/ Australia- Positive Displacement Water Meter
An extremely accurate, AMR/AMI ready, volumetric water meter with very high performance (R 315/400).

WMR- Irrigation/Agriculture Water Meter
WMR is designed for agricultural applications. The WMR is easy to install using a coupling set.

IRT- Irrigation/Agriculture Water Meter
Special design with free water passage allows measurement of water with high content of impurities.