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Dialog 3G™ Cellular
The Arad Group’s innovative Dialog 3G™ Cellular automatic meter reading (AMR) system is the perfect solution for remote data collection and advanced meter functionality in isolated locations.
The most advanced AMR solution in the market today, our self-powered Dialog 3G™ Cellular units connect automatically and remotely with our Dialog 3G™-enabled wireless digital or analog water meters. Using a built-in GPRS modem, the Dialog 3G™ Cellular units transmit the accumulated metering data across existing cellular networks to central control centers. With this data being received at frequent intervals, operators get a realtime picture of the operational health of the water supply network.

Using the data received can also reduce water loss and enhance overall efficiency by reacting immediately to alerts such as:
- Leaks in the system
- Attempts to tamper with water meters
- Unusually high or low flows
- Sudden and unexpected changes in water level and pressure
- Low battery levels in self-powered units
- Meter reading indications and CCW alarms
Dialog 3G™ Cellular is a super-reliable product that is installed in tens of thousands locations around the world. In Israel alone Mekorot, the national water company, has installed 12,000 Dialog 3G™ Cellular units to cover all of its consumer endpoints. It uses the data collected to automatically generate accurate water bills as well as to balance the water network.

Key benefits
- Covers “out of the way” meters that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to read manually
- Constant flow of accumulated meter reading data
- Supports a wide array of digital and analog programmable inputs and control outputs
- Calculates water loss in the supply network and alerts operators in realtime
- Measures flow rates and alerts to anomalous conditions
- Detects and alerts to attempts to tamper with meters
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